TelTailLights Downloads
Use the links below to download the latest files related to the TelTail Lights project.
Uploading Tool: Latest BOSSA Release
The github release folder for the BOSSA flash programming utility. All BOSSA release version can be found here.
Uploading Tool (old / backup): Download Here (I found this to work as of 11/26/18)
Version 2.15 of the atmel SAM-BA uploader tool. This version is needed due to its unique interaction with the SAMD21’s memory. Newer versions of the tool do not work.
Github Repo: Samatthe/TTL-Firmware
The Github repo used to store all firmware source files. If you would like to make custom changes to the TTL FW or just understand how the system works, this is the place to start.
Latest Firmware
HW v3.4: Teltail HW 3v4.bin
HW v4.1 (and up): Teltail HW 4v1.bin
The latest version of the TelTail Control Module firmware. The link pulls the file contained in the master branch of the TTL-Firmware Github repo. This is still a work in progress toward the first release, so please be understanding when running into any unfinished features. Updates will be posted regularly, after each new feature has been proven out.
Self Powered (SP) Control Module Github Repo: Samatthe/TTL-SP
The Github repo used to store the PCB related design files for the SP version of the TTL Control Module. The source schematic and layout files are available here. Eagle CAD was used to create these files.
Externally Powered (EP) Control Module Github Repo: Samatthe/TTL-EP
The Github repo used to store the PCB related design files for the EP version of the TTL Control Module. The source schematic and layout files are available here. Eagle CAD was used to create these files.
3D CAD Models
Head Light: Thingiverse Page
The .stl files for the Headlight Base and Cover. I have printed the base using PLA with a variable layer height ranging from 0.2mm at the base to 0.05mm at all detailed sections, like curved faces. For best effect, I suggest using clear filament for the cover to provide a slight peripheral glow.
High Power Head Light (12W): Thingiverse Page
The .stl files for a 12W headlight from Kawell which can be used with the TTL system to get a higher power headlight on a street board. If a 12W headlight is used, it is recommended to only use it with the high beams option enabled so that you can choose when to use full power. If left at full power too long, the TTL module will dim or turn off the light to regulate heat.
Tail Light: Thingiverse Page
The .stl files for the Tail light Base and Cover. I have printed the base using PLA with a variable layer height ranging from 0.2mm at the base to 0.05mm at all detailed sections, like curved faces. I used translucent red ABS for the cover.
Control Module Housing: Thingiverse Page
The .stl files for the TelTail Control Module enclosure. These can be printed using PLA at any prefered layer height. I use 0.1mm for all of my prints to yeild the best results.
TTL STEP Files: TTL 3D Models
All STEP files relating to the TTL project.